Harmony Acupuncture has merged with

In Balance Acupuncture & Wellness! 



Compassion expressed through Asian Healing Arts of 

Acupuncture, Reiki and Tao Hands Healing and Tao Science. 


Our practitioners partner with and empower you to create your healthy, joy filled life. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual discomfort offer you an opportunity to change, grow and discover new experiences in life. And the experience does not need to be painful, although pain may initially get you through the door. 


Traditional Asian Medicine treats the root of disease and Christie Kern, L. Ac., will help you understand what your discomfort is teaching you while helping you recover from trauma, pain, loss and more. This empowers you to completely experience your life and make changes quickly and effectively so you may fully enjoy and live the life you desire. 


In Balance Acupuncture & Wellness is dedicated to relieving pain and teaching you how to use your body, mind, emotions and spirit as teachers so you can keep yourself healthy, happy and enjoying this miracle of life. 


You don't need to wait for pain to dictate your life. Schedule an appointment today and open yourself to more joy and fulfillment in life. You do not need to suffer.